When a Dream Becomes a Reality






Dream it, think it, visualise it, make it happen and touch it.

Enough is Enough

Every single chapter has been edited by myself. Reading through every single piece of text and updating or changing or perfecting. Reading and re reading and then the same again. Enough is enough and I’m finally ready to hand out for ‘peer review’.







I’ve got to a point after nine months that I can’t add any more insight to the book and I need input from others.









It’s so Big

To put every single chapter together is amazing but to then see it all printed out is astonishing. Over 99,000 words on 165 pages of A4 sheets. It’s the most writing that I have ever done for one project. To be honest I can’t think of anything that even comes near to this.






All included

Once all the chapters were squeezed together I just went through it one more time to check on consistency, spacing and format. SIX HOURS LATER I was finished! I went down to the local library where the cost of printing is the cheapest and printed off five copies. These have been put into an envelope along with a highlighter pen, some post-it notes, some feedback sheets and a stamped and self addressed envelope for it to be returned.





Questions to perfection

The feedback sheets have prompted questions for each chapter as well as the book as a whole. At this stage it really isn’t about grammar and punctuation, it’s all about content.

Is it good, is it bad and why?

Can you add to it do you think it needs changing or deleting?

How does the book make you feel?

Who do you think would like the book?

And on it goes

This book will be amazing and I’m prepared to edit and change it as much as it takes to give me that result. It’s a long process to hand it out and wait for the feedback to come in as these reviewers are friends and family and they are busy people. They are doing me a massive favour giving me this review and while I am waiting I shall concentrate on my business as well as think about the marketing and publishing side of the book. There are still massive decisions to be made on this book but I’m getting there bit by bit.





An uplifting dream

It’s an exciting process all be it a very personal one and to see my book in print coming off the photocopier was so amazing and up lifting. The dream became words on a screen and now they have become a physical thing that I can hold and feel. It’s an incredible thing as my vision becomes a reality.

What are your experiences of when something that you have wanted and dreamed of finally becomes real and even touchable?

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