Teaching an old dog, new tricks…well, not that old!

Have you discovered a new skill, passion or interest while writing your book?
I finished chapter four and chapter five. These were very emotional chapters and chapter six will also be tough but then things start to get a bit better. I’m nearly through the dark times. Feedback has been great from Librotas – Book Mentoring and Publishing with Karen Williams and @sheryl Ann Andrews and I am hungry for it. Taking the feedback onboard enables me to improve with my English, use of words and sharing my feelings and emotion.
My English has always been poor but after my Mum read the last couple of chapters she told me that my English had improved. She was reading the edited versions after Karen and Sheryl from Librotas had given me feedback but I still took some of the credit.

Creating the book is actually enhancing my skill in writing.

Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

To write about my emotions takes me ages. I have to close my eyes and reenact what I was doing 15 years ago and how I felt. I then open my eyes, type a line or two and then do it all over again. It takes ages.
Just keep typing…
The feedback is really good. Any feedback. The more time and effort I put into this book the more I want it to be worthwhile. I want it to be a great book.

I know I’m typing a lot and I know it’s very descriptive but we are still in phase one…of many phases.
My journey, my story is incredible and I need this book to justify everything involved.
Has anybody else discovered a new skill or passion or interest while writing their book?

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