
This book gives you five winning ways that will unlock the power of your potential so that you can achieve the GOLD in your life:

Goal – Opportunity – Love – Dream

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“Engaging and empowering. The ultimate book for your collection if you want to smash your business goals and succeed GOLD in your life.”
Brad Sugars – Founder at actionCOACH

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Do you often find that achieving what you want in your life alludes you?

Do you set off with brilliant intentions of reaching your goals but then feel your motivation fading as you lose your way and then never quite reach the finish line?

You need a guidebook that will help you navigate a clear and achievable path to success. One that will fuel your passion, keep your motivation burning and lead you confidently toward achieving your GOLD.

Whatever you want to achieve – big or small, momentous or maybe a little frivolous – and whether it’s a personal goal, a business target or a dream of happiness and security for your family, then this book is for you.

“A book to treasure. Provides clarity and insight on where you are now and what you need to do to make your GOLD a reality.”

Geraldine Rodgers OBE, Director of Nursing

The most extraordinary life you can imagine is there, ready and waiting for you to take ownership. This book is your personal roadmap to finding it, living it and loving it. You’ll discover how to illuminate your vision and get clear about what you want to achieve. You’ll uncover essential tools and mindsets that will empower and unleash your exciting journey to success. And you’ll see how the support of others can uplift you, encourage you and keep you moving forward.

The fundamental key to your success is action. So, unlock the power of your potential and take yourself, and your life, on a fascinating, fulfilling journey from good to GOLD.

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