Reflecting on your Goal and Staying Ahead of those Deadlines

Reflections and Deadlines

So its coming to the end of the year and I don’t know about you but I’m starting to reflect what a year it’s been.  I’m digging out those goals that I set myself at the beginning of the year and seeing how much I have achieved.  Now, I know that with true goals you should visualise, review and work towards them each and every day (or week) but there are some goals that are not as big a priority as others. However, a goal is a goal! and I wrote it down for a reason, because I really wanted to achieve it.  With a month to go before the end of the year I’m looking at which goals are still left on the shelf… and yes, there are one or two, but not to worry, even with approaching deadlines I still have 4 weeks!

Conceive. Believe. Achieve.

Late homework

It takes me back to when you were given homework at school. No matter what trouble you got into last time for not doing it, or handing it in late it.  No matter what statements you made to yourself about ‘next time I’m going to hand it in early’ when it comes to it, you still left it until the last moment.  You would rush it and present a poor effort of something that could have been so much better. Well it seems as adults not much changes.

On the positive I have achieved so much this year with regards my life and my business.  Becoming a successful Motivational Speaker achieving multiple BSG’s (Blue Suit Gigs-see past newsletters).  I have set up and ran over 10 successful goal setting courses producing some amazing results with the attendees including people finding work, changing their career path and also completely refreshing their life.

But what about you?  Let’s think about how much you have achieved in the last year?  Some of these things you may take for granted as we more often than not concentrate on the negative, all those things you still need to do.  Think about what you have done rather than what you haven’t done.  Health. Wealth. Relationships. Spiritual. Business.  Life is a journey and I’m sure the year has been full of ups and downs, but I’m sure you have kept moving forward… and that is what is important.

Keep going, there’s still time

One goal that I really wanted to achieve was to get my 5k run time to back under 21 minutes, mainly through the use of ‘Park Runs’ on a Saturday morning.  My current time is 22 minutes and although I’m fit and healthy, getting under 21 minutes was a specific goal that I wanted to achieve.  First things first, I have absolutely ‘no regrets’ as my business has been my priority this year and I had great joy spending the Spring and Summer months swimming in the lakes with my kids on the Saturday mornings.


When ‘push comes to shove’ what are you doing to achieve your goals?  With only 4 weeks to go to the start of a new year ‘desperate times means desperate measures’.  Start thinking of everything and anything that you can do, to achieve your gold.  If you think that you think that you have exhausted every possible way to solve a particular problem or complete a goal, then you are wrong!

Don’t change the goal, change the plan.

Where there’s a goal, there’s a way

There is always another way. How you find it is the challenge. You may want to:

  • Share your problem
  • Review your bookshelf 
  • Evaluate your time
  • Research for alternative solutions
  • Know your habits of success

There will be times along your journey when you feel like you’ve failed but you must remember that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. You must workout what you can do differently, what have you learnt and alter what can you do? How can you interpret the results into feedback so that you can improve.

There’s no such thing as failure, only feedback.

For me, I have first looked at what dates I can attend the ‘Park Run’ at the end of this year (9th and 16th December). I have increased my training in running and as I suffer with extreme pain following a run due to my disability I have started ‘working out’ on the rowing machine… for 21 minutes.  I’m also eating slightly healthier and watching my weight. Within reason I’m considering everything that I can do to achieve my goal.

By the end of the year the results will be the result!  But the fact of the matter will be that I will have been the best that I can be and therefore I will have ‘No Regrets’.

To be continued…

I’ll update you on this goal in the next newsletter but how about you? Let me know what you have achieved in 2017 and if you still have outstanding goals to reach remember… there is still 4 weeks to go, you got this!


#theJudgesVerdict – Late Homework

#theJudgesVerdict – Change, Challenge or Chore

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