Are some things better left forgotten?

Going deeper than counselling itself? What drastic action have you taken to bring out your true authenticity?       When the going gets tough So I’ve started work on the next chapter which is provisionally called ‘A Tough Year’. It’s not all about training and international competition as it also goes into  depth about…

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How do you keep going when you’re typing an endless book?

We all like goals especially when we achieve them but how do you stay motivated when you yourself keep moving the goal posts?   Everyone Likes a Story I’ve really been putting in the hours over this last chapter and it’s gained mixed feelings. The chapter once again is awesome and I’m really enjoying finally…

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What’s your GOLD?

A goal is but a dream without a plan to achieve it. What’s your goal and do you have an action plan to work towards it and achieve? I’ve just finished typing chapter twelve and I feel ecstatic. I’m punching the air because it was a long chapter. As my memory went back and recalled…

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What’s in a name?

For those that know my story do you have any ideas for my title of my autobiography?   Happy memories Writing this chapter has been very much about my races and it’s been lovely taking myself back to this period. The nerves and apprehension mixed with the excitement and the passion.  Taking myself into the…

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Is coincidence Luck, Perception or something…deeper?

Early on in the week I was up at the crack of dawn and sat at my computer typing away. I’ve managed to complete chapter ten and submit it to Karen and Sheryl from Librotas. The chapter was a delight to write as it was about finding my first paratriathlon race. It’s a lovely chapter…

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It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to!

  What compromises have you had to make in your life or business? In the last week I have blitzed chapter ten and pretty much finished it. It was a nice one to write as it was a very positive and uplifting one. There is excitement and humour in it, Writing about the first time…

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Business or Hobby, why do you do what you do?

You have a goal, work towards your goal. Another really good week last week with the writing. Asking my book coaches from Librotas ( ) to request my chapters on certain dates has really helped. The accountability for me is essential.     My chapter eight was getting too long and so I had…

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What are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goal?

Setting priorities doesn’t always mean that you get the balance right and sometimes there are consequences.   Big Chunk So, over the last week I really struggled to dedicate any time to my book apart from some ‘planning’ which I know is important but I like to see more substantial and measured progress. One day…

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How do you write a book?

One word at a time. Line by line, paragraph by paragraph, page by page, chapter by chapter. “The best things come to those who wait” (I hope that’s true?)   Well last week I finally dedicated my time to get Chapter seven ‘done and dusted’ (first edit). I’ve submitted the text off to Karen and…

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Don’t ‘Tell’ the reader how you feel…describe it.

What’s your revelation of how you speak or write to someone? How can you express yourself authentically just by using a different technique?   Quality not Quantity While writing my book I’ve discovered that it’s very much about quality and not quantity. I wish I could type all day long and produce thousands of words…

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