
Bookshelf of Life

What is on your bookshelf that is preventing you from achieving your Gold?   Imagine that everything in your world has a book on the bookshelf of your life.  A book of family, a book of work, a book of friends, a book of exercise, a book of food… it goes on and on.  Do you…

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Charity Update – CP Sport

Ambassador of CP Sport     It was with great honour to accept the invitation to become the newest Ambassador of CP Sport   What is CP Sport? Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that cause poor communication , stiff muscles, weak muscles and tremors.  It can also cause challenges with sensation,…

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Default Diary

Default Diary Do you find that don’t get around to completing your high priorities? Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder why you haven’t achieved all that you wanted to? Here’s how I overcome these challenges to achieve completion of the jobs that need doing. First of all… Out of…

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Charity Update – Scouting

My focus for charity work over the last couple of months has been within the Scouts Association.   The Scouts Association is the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation that gives the chance for 6 to 25-year-olds to experience fun and challenging activities, unique experiences and everyday adventure.  It also gives them the opportunity and teaches how to  help others…

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What is your GOLD?

What is your dream… What is your vision… What is your goal… What is your GOLD? What is it in your life that you really want? What is the thing that will make you really happy when you’ve reached it? What is that thing that will give you immense achievement?     Once you are…

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Crown Prosecution Service – Keynote Speech

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Social Media Training at St Mary's School

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Mount St Mary's School

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Heritage High School

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The Results Hub Presentation

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