
Hold your breath as you dive deep into the past…

I wonder if book writing is as emotional and draining for others as it is for me?    After the completion of chapter six I gave myself a bit of a break from the book and so instead used my ‘new skill’ of writing to type up some parts for my ebook. The ebook will…

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If music be the food of ‘writing’, play on.

What music do you listen to when working or writing? In the last week I have finally finished the ultimate chapter six. This has been a big thing for me because I guess it symbolises a few things. I am finally coming out of the dark place and into the light, the more happier…

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Developing my vocabulary but still hating scrabble.

What’s your favourite word and why?  On my book within chapter six I am finally starting to come out of the darkness as the rehabilitation is having positive results. This means that there is achievement and positivity to write about which is nice. I have started adding in some suitable flashbacks to stories that relate…

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Typing naturally, authentically, leaving yourself bare.

Have you laid yourself open and been completely honest when speaking or writing? As I’m writing my book and going through my journey more and more messages are naturally coming out. I always wanted to include messages as I want the book to help people, inspire others and motivate many. My initial though was that…

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Teaching an old dog, new tricks…well, not that old!

Have you discovered a new skill, passion or interest while writing your book? I finished chapter four and chapter five. These were very emotional chapters and chapter six will also be tough but then things start to get a bit better. I’m nearly through the dark times. Feedback has been great from Librotas – Book Mentoring…

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Typing on today’s Terrific Technology

What modern technology or technique is helping you to write your book, blog or run your business? Over the last week I’ve been busy typing which has been great. My process is to look through my diary, my poems and my photo album of the time. I make notes on what I feel is important…

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Writing humour with smiles and sadness with tears?

Writing humour with smiles and sadness with tears? I have struggled for time to dedicate to the book writing over the last week due to running my business as a motivational speaker. I also find it harder to type in the day time as there are things going on. The slightest distraction can send me…

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Four eyes are better than two!

Especially when looking at the feedback…What do YOU want as a reader? Great to receive my first bit of verbal feedback from Karen Williams and Sheryl Ann Andrews from Librotas – Book Mentoring and Publishing last week which has encouraged me that I’m doing things right but also that I need to alter a few of my bits of text.I need…

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A book without text?

I had a really good session last week where I worked on the structure of the book and copied all of the notes over from the Librotas VIP day (Karen Williams and Sheryl Ann Andrews ) with sheets onto the computer. The computer set up is working fine now but more than that the thought process of how…

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My First Book… how it began

Writing my first book, my autobiography.  Understanding how and why but also the joy of learning a new skill to creatively express myself. Follow my journey here and on Facebook Is this the real life? Is this just procrastination? Following my amazing VIP day with my book coaches Karen Williams and Sheryl Ann Andrews I…

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