One small step for man, one giant leap for the NHS

Taking time to thank the unsung heroes of the NHS, so let’s thank ALL of the NHS, not just the astronauts! If the NHS did moon landings… “One small step for man, one giant leap for the NHS” I think we all run the risk of forgetting all those involved, for big as well as…

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8 steps that beat the back-to-work blues by enabling you to ride the ‘Wave of Resilience’

Help back to work

Going back to work after a break is always a daunting experience, even more so when it’s a break such as the Covid 19 pandemic has forced. It’s been epic in how it’s been disruptive along with many changes and even adversity. Going back to work in a face to face environment we may encounter a backlog of work, new targets or systems, or looming deadlines – alongside all the usual criticism, office politics and pressures from our personal lives.

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Follow up to Lancashire

I loved sharing my story at the Women’s Business Network Lancashire last night. For me to inspire others is what I love to do and if you want any help in any way to work towards your goal or build up resilience just give me a shout. As I mentioned my goal achieving workshop has…

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Thank you Acosta Europe

Just a quick message to say thank you for having me on Monday at Acosta Europe online zoom conference. As a way of a ‘mingling’ after the event I would like to offer the opportunity for people to connect with me and maybe chat or ask questions. Maybe I can help you further? If you…

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Team Judge

Cliff Hewson, OhSo Creative

Recently I have signed up with an accountancy called ‘Freedom in Numbers’ Welcome Hannah Adams and Simon Adams to ‘Team Judge’ Also a website designer called ‘OhSo Creative’ Welcome Cliff Hewson to ‘Team Judge’

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